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Showing posts from August, 2018


Hello lovelies, this is for every girl aspiring to be a beauty queen (I know it’s been our life long dream πŸ™„πŸ˜Š), and for every guy who believes his baby can pull this through!!! It’s coming again, the Face of Idoma.... and for this e who didn’t know, Idoma is located in Benue state, Nigeria. All details are can be seen above. Do I really need to add that it holds around the time for their annual carnival, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to miss the experience 


I read a while ago that for mental and psychological wellness, it’s adviceable to delete old pictures and songs from your phone. Now, I’m not very sure about that but I really do believe in deleting people from your life, lol.  Don’t get me wrong. The same way the unnecessary pictures and songs (which you don’t listen to anymore) just fill up all the space on your phone is the same way unnecessary people who do not add any value to your life fill up all the space meant for new people who’d refresh your mind and soul. Delete! Delete!! Delete!!! Having the wrong people around you can/ will trigger depression. Deleting someone from your life doesn’t mean you have to be rude to them or stop talking/ checking up on them entirely. To be simply put, it’s putting yourself first and picking your emotional, mental and psychological well-being over bullshit!! Delete! Delete!! Delete!!! Have a wonderful weekend ahead, don’t forget to share ( be nice, won’t you? 😏) and be on your worst behavior 😝


Lol! So you ever realise that you always make up that excuse even before you mess up? How you start to recite the “I was stuck in traffic” or “My car broke down” before you even arrive late?? Maybe you don’t but I do cause I always seem to be late. Lol. I have this big problem (also a big blessing πŸ™„πŸ˜), I always seem to feel sleepy once I lay on a bed and I’d find myself sleeping for “at least 10 minutes” before I start getting ready πŸ˜†  I’m always like just 10 minutes and then I’d open my eyes and it’s been an hour 😫🀣 I bet y’all can relate. Then why lie on the bed, Jeez! Let me just get to it..... STOP WITH THE EXCUSES!! No, really, try as much as you can to avoid them.  Stop making excuses for yourself. At the end you’d be really happy that you got there on time or you finished that assignment before the deadline and if somehow you get there late, it should be for a honest reason. Mine is.... I slept off, always. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I really missed you guys. Do well to read, digest, subscribe

How To Share My Articles

Well, as simple as this seemed to me it doesn’t seem so easy for many people. I’ve been asked severally how to share my blog posts so that’s what this post is about. I’d be showing you how to share my articles and generally, articles on blogger. It’s this simple...  • Load the page and look for the circled icon as shown in the picture below  • You can choose what social media platform you want to share it on or simply get the link. • That’s it people!!! Easy huh? Let’s try it out then...  let’s try sharing this shall we  πŸ˜πŸ˜❤️


Hey! Hello guys. If y’all have noticed at all, I haven’t been writing so much and while it’d be very convenient to come up with an excuse I’d rather put it out straight up and tell y’all why. Artwork by Monika Nowak and can be bought online I’ve not been feeling myself lately. I know we all have thise days when all we do is just sit and wonder why we have to end up in this continuous cycle  but now it feels like my ‘wondering’ days are way more than my ‘carefree’ days. I’ve been questioning everything like ‘why?’  Why stick to the status quo when it’s all going to end the same way after all? πŸ€”πŸ˜‡ I used to be so sure I was trying my best until I realized that I started a blog and instead of being brutally honest and passing across my genuine thoughts, I’m more bothered about being “the best” on another person’s scale. It’s like school all over again, working so hard for someone else’s approval. Thoughts like these go through my head a couple of times everyday. Now I understand when he