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Showing posts from March, 2018


1. GET UP AND MAKE YOUR BED          You shouldn't lay in bed all day doing nothing, it makes it easier for all those scary, sad thoughts to creep in and making your bed does help you feel better. It gives you some sort of fulfilment, helps you get ready to take on the day. 2. SET NEW GOALS          Challenge yourself with new goals and work towards them, keep yourself busy. 3. LISTEN TO MUSIC          There's nothing more soothing than music and I don't mean you should spend all your time listening to Lana Del Ray or......, stay away from sad songs. Listen to artistes like Dia, Chance D Rapper,...... 4. EAT HEALTHY         There are a few foods that help fight depression. Foods like milk, Turkey and carrots so I do advice that you include that in your diet. Research has also shown that coffee, alcohol and.. (you'd love this part) junk foods most especially chocolates 😎😎 help fight depression. Just don't take too much okay? 5. DO THINGS YOU ENJOY DOING


A man so quiet one day you'll find Whose own business he seems to mind Mostly mistaken for being shy "He is just reserved, Well so am I" As tranquil as the forest, so he may seem Wouldn't hurt a fly, so you try to trouble him Friendly advice, Don't!.. cause you cannot begin To imagine the things bottled up inside him You may rip off the Veil that has tried to hide All the wrong, hurt and pain he has held back inside To such an encounter you may not survive The long awaiting wrath of the chaos inside And if you are such a man, I beg you to remember To let go of the past, face the future its brighter Together we can make our little world safer Step one, don't let the sun go down on your anger Writer: Erheriada Daniel Fb: Erheriada Daniel Oghenerunor IG: Dan.o.e


Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well being . A depressed mood is a normal temporary reaction to some traumatic life events, it can be a system of a disease and can also be a side effect of drugs. A depressed mood can be a symptom of some mood disorders such as major depressive disorder or dysthymia . ( Wikipedia ) Depression is a mental disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities,  causing significant impairment in daily life. There's more than 1.5 million recorded cases  of depression in Nigeria.      That's that for what depression is, click on the link to read more on depression if you wish. My major concern is DEPRESSION AND AFRICANS. Most Africans see depression as something minor, it's not. I battled depression a few years back and I still have to fight it sometimes, many people aren't lucky enough to come