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Showing posts from December, 2018

The Pain In My Chest

The last few days of this year have been the roughest for me. A week after losing my phone and all my documents in it, my family (dad and younger sisters) and I were involved in a very fatal accident but glory be to God, no life was lost. Yes, I do realize that it was a total miracle but that doesn't quiet the voices in my head. To say I feel lost would be putting it lightly cause as it stands, the only thing that pushes past the thick wall of numbness I feel is excruciating pain and it comes from my chest. I'm in the midst of family but I haven't felt more alone in my life. This year has hammered something into my head ----- NO ONE OWES YOU SHIT!!! Lol, it hurts really bad and I won't lie cause I've promised to keep it real 💯 It hurts cause everyone seems to be having so much fun, oblivious to the pain I'm feeling and honestly it's no one's fault. I don't know what 2019 holds but it's gotta be freaking epic considering how sad I am even


You will never have anything figured out and it might sound harsh but thats how bitter truth is. Don't beat yourself up when things don't go as planned cause that's when things get interesting--- being able to survive it all but really what do we have to lose? We'd all die anyway. You'd not know until you stare death in the face that now is all you have. Maybe when you understand that life is a journey and not a race... but answer honestly, what do you really want? Thinking out loud... I really don't know who needs to hear this but, Live, love, laugh .