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NOTE: Okay, I'm a teenager and in as much as I'd love to upload content that'd be suitable for everyone, I'm still a teenager. Not like I'm not going to try but, you know?
       I just got out of a really toxic relationship and I know many people (girls mostly) my age tend to make the same mistakes I made. The good thing is, I learnt a lot and I hope this post helps you learn from my mistakes so as not to make the exact same ones I made.
       Before I start saying too much, I'd like to make it clear... THERE ARE ALWAYS RED FLAGS!!!! This point cannot be overemphasized, it really cannot.
You might feel like you love the person, you don't want to be alone, you don't want to start all over with someone new, you don't know what you'd tell people when you guys get separated but your physical, psychological and most especially your mental health and wellness is more important than all of that.
So if you feel like things aren't really going right, here are a few tips to take note of:

       It's okay to get angry one in a while but when everything you do seems to get your partner angry then there's something wrong and more times than not, overlooking this red flag leads to a lot of violence in the relationship. We don't want that now, do we?
If he or she also throws things around and calls you names when arguing, you should run. Brother, sister. Run.

       This wasn't exactly the case with me, but I've met people who had to deal with this. Don't get me wrong, it's cute sometimes having your partner tell you what to wear and what not to wear but when that starts becoming a huge issue, beware.

         This has to be the most important point here because in cases like this, you end up not having anyone to turn to when things go south.
When in a relationship,  you should be able to hang out with your friends and do fun stuff you know?

          We know there can be a lot of bad belle people out there that we should beware of but when everyone, literally everyone  (your friends, siblings, cousins, parents, neighbors, the suya guy, lol ) start saying the same thing, you should listen to them.
           You wouldn't realize how blind love is until you fall into a ditch and most times, IN fact, all the time, everyone tends to see these signs EXCEPT YOU.

           It's okay to want to help your partner in their time of need. It's okay if you want to spend lavishly on them but when it begins to look like your partner is constantly trying to get something out of you, be watchful. Most especially if they get angry if you aren't willing to do what they are asking for.

          I use OVER POSSESSIVE because some level of possessiveness is okay, being over possessive... is a problem.

          This is all I can think of right now, I'd update you all once I have more content regarding this issue but NOTE that no matter the circumstances, you shouldn't let someone, whoever, hit you over and over again. IT'S NEVER YOUR FAULT. Don't believe that bull crap.
I hope this helps you in one way or the other. Don't forget to share, you just might be helping someone (you never can tell).
Have a lovely weekend. Kisses 😘😘


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