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So much has been said about sexual molestation,  assaults, rape etc and for some people, they're just mere stories.
Unfortunately for others, its their reality.
Before I delve into the topic of rape, I'd be letting you in on the REAL stories of people out there who somehow, have been victims of such circumstances.

I was 15 when I lost my virginity I had hoped so had to protect. At the time, there was this friend of my cousin's who wouldn't let me be all in the name of he liked me. He was always stalking me, telling me he'd do anything for me and all. I kept turning him down, and I guess my rejection didn't go down well with him and he told me "you'll see". I called his bluff and went about my normal day to day life.

Mind you, this was happening in my village because, at the time, my parents had taken me with them to the village following a relatives burial they wanted us to attend. So, some days after the burial, my parents travelled from the village to Abia state for the traditional marriage of a family friend's daughter and they asked me to come with them. But, because I was enjoying being in my village, considering the fact that we seldom go there, I declined and they decided to go.

And they were meant to be back in two days.. So, the whole time they were gone, I was always going over to my uncle's house so as to play with his kids and eat there as well. On my way back the evening before the day of my parents arrival, I was stopped by that same guy on a the road, and it was really lonely that evening because a better half of the community was at the burial of a prominent man then. And this was about 8pm in the evening.

He was like, I told you "you'd see" now is the time. And I laughed hysterically, thinking to myself that this guy must be mad. And made to walk away, before I knew, I received a very dirty slap and next thing I knew, I was on the ground, my dress torn, my pant ripped. I fought as hard as I could, but he was too strong and to top it off, the other guys decided to hold me down so I'd stop fighting back.. I begged, I cried, and even told them I was a virgin and their response was "we wan find out".
All three of them took turns in raping me, and they all came inside of me. I begged, I cried, I prayed for a miracle. I got beaten up like a common thief. I screamed for help till my throat became patched. I shouted till my windpipes couldn't thrive anymore and all that came out was whispers of "help me". I passed out on the spot and I guess they left me for dead. When I finally woke up, I crawled on my knees back home.. I had bruises all over my knee. I asked God to fight for me.
I crawled into the shower, and try to have the water drown my sorrow, but it wasn't working.. Long story short, the guy visited my house on hearing my cousin was around and took that time to threaten me that if anyone ever heard about it, he'd kill me. So, I never told my parents, I only told my elder sister and begged her not to tell them too.. I was ashamed of myself.. I felt useless and worthless.. Anyway, both my parents are dead, and they died not knowing something like this happened to me.
Thank you for your time!


  1. I can't relate as a victim cause I have never been a victim.
    Am a dude, 6'2, and I can defend myself. More reasons why i can't relate...
    But what i can relate to is the effect of rape on the life of the victim and the victims family. I am the only male in my family and I happen to be a victims family member.
    I do remember being so mad with rage I dreamt about the best ways to torture and kill another human being.
    The truth is we live in a world we don't understand, a society we conform to, and we interactive we human being so different and complex that sometimes we lose understanding of each other...


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