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Today was different, as different as different could be..
I went to bed around 1:50am because I just had this urge to pray and as usual, later on, waking up was a chore for me. I woke up a few minutes past 8am and the Sunday morning rush began..
Lol, I wore my perfectly laundered white gown that has black floral patterns on both sides, I love this gown. It didn’t stay very white for too long though.

Different. We had breakfast and somehow I preferred the eba and vegetable soup my dad was eating to my yam and stew and as if in protest, the fish from the soup didn’t make its way into my mouth successfully. It ended up on the floor after leaving a very prominent stain on my gown, I picked up my fish and still ate it. Lol.
And I still wore that gown all the way to church, just because.

Today was different, every single hymn sounded different and with a whole new meaning and when I looked from the choir pew at the congregation, every face had a whole new expression, every smile looked more radiant. I wasn’t the only one feeling it.

Today was different, different in a way that’s difficult to explain.
Today was different and I hope tomorrow is too, in a better way ❤️

Have a lovely week ahead, you are deeply loved ❤️


  1. A picture of how you looked would have been lovely. All the same... Nice to know you had a lovely day


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